How Often Should I Have My Fire Sprinkler System Inspected?

How Often Should I Have My Fire Sprinkler System Inspected?

When placed in a commercial building, fire sprinkler systems offer significant protection, reducing the probability of civilian fire deaths by 89% when compared to structures without an automated extinguishing system.

Regarding preserving the appropriate degree of protection for commercial water-based extinguishing systems, the National Fire Protection Association lists four areas of concern:

  1. Adhering to a regular inspection schedule
  2. Carrying out special investigations or tests to assess device and equipment performance
  3. Exercising due diligence in device and equipment repair
  4. Assuring all maintenance personnel are adequately trained and can correctly execute equipment inspection, testing, and maintenance procedures

Modern developments in fire safety systems guarantee that your equipment is always functional and available for use.

NFPA 25 Standards for the Inspection of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems

The standard for evaluating, testing, and maintaining water-based fire safety systems is NFPA 25. Following these guidelines helps you prevent system failure and guarantees a prompt, efficient reaction in the event of a fire.

When doing the required NFPA visual inspections, a fire safety specialist looks for:

  • General wear and tear of the system
  • Leakage
  • Corrosion detrimental to sprinkler performance
  • Sprinklers installed in the incorrect orientation
  • Loss of fluid in the glass bulb heat-responsive element
  • Minimum clearance between the sprinkler heads and storage

The following requirements and frequency of routine activities are outlined by the NFPA to guarantee the dependable operation of automated sprinkler systems:

Monthly Inspections

According to NFPA 25, monthly fire sprinkler inspections entail the following testing and inspections:

  • Valves
  • Dry and reaction gauges
  • Water flow and supervisory alarm devices
  • Fire department connections
  • The hydraulic nameplate, if the system is hydraulic

Quarterly Inspections

Testing for wet and flood systems must be done every quarter. Additionally, quarterly inspections are required for:

  • Supervisory signal devices that indicate when a feature such as the valve supervisory switch, water level indicator, or low air pressure switch is experiencing a problem.
  • Waterflow alarm devices that are designed to send an alarm to a monitored panel or the fire department when a continuous flow of water occurs in your fire sprinkler system s piping.

Annual Inspections

Every element of the monthly and quarterly inspections is also included in the annual inspections, along with:

  • Inspecting all sprinkler heads
  • Ensuring there are extra sprinkler heads and required installation tools on-site
  • Inspecting dry pipe valve interiors
  • Conducting a main drain water flow test
  • Inspecting pipes and fittings
  • Checking hangers, braces, supports, and information signs

Five-Year Inspections

Your fire sprinkler system’s internal piping is inspected as part of the NFPA’s five-year sprinkler inspection mandate. Even if state regulations are the same, each jurisdiction has some slight variations.

Because water inside steel pipes develops rust, which frequently builds up and causes blockages, the five-year sprinkler inspection is essential. Rust and pitting are frequent in galvanized pipes, and corrosion that is influenced by microorganisms can result in pinhole leaks and obstructions.

Maintaining a sprinkler system at least every five years enhances both the operation and safety of your sprinkler system.

Turn to Best Fire Alarms for Fire Sprinkler Inspection & Testing in Northern California

Failure to complete the mandatory NFPA 25 testing and inspections can result in blocked sprinkler heads among other things, which can be disastrous during a fire. Regularly scheduling expert checks of the fire safety equipment on your property guarantees:

  • Better fire safety
  • Fewer false alarms
  • Ease of maintenance and system longevity

Finally, the fact that fire codes and regulations can and do change makes routine inspections of your fire sprinkler system extremely important. Employing a qualified fire sprinkler inspector guarantees that your system is current and compliant.

Make an online appointment or give Best Fire Alarms a call at (916) 663-3582 to arrange for a fire protection system examination.